Asbestos Safety
Asbestos awareness is crucial not just to those who work with such fibres but also the general public. This course is designed to inform you of the harm asbestos exposure can cause and how this can be prevented.
Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs)
Understanding Asbestos
Types of Asbestos
Exposure Limit Value
Lets see what you know...
The Health Effects of Asbestos
Factors which increase chances on developing an asbestos related disease
Asbestos in the workplace
Identify risks: Roof, exterior wall and water tanks
Identifying Risks: Boiler, Vessels and pipework
Identifying Risks: Ceiling and flooring materials
Identifying Risks: Interior walls and panels
Identifying Risks: Air handling systems and domestic appliances
Protecting yourself
Removing ACMs
Asbestos Safety Test