Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    FGM Film

    • FGM Film

    • Initial Reaction

  • 3

    What is FGM

    • A Brief Definition

    • How Is It Done

    • Types Of FGM

  • 4

    Consequences & Survivors

    • Equals (Video)

    • Complications

    • Soraya's Story

  • 5

    FGM Statistics & Facts

    • Worldwide

    • The UK

    • The Law

  • 6


    • Protecting Your Pupils

    • Definition

    • Your Duty

    • Warning Signs

    • Indications

    • Approaching The Subject

    • What To Do

    • What Happens Next

  • 7

    FGM Teaching

    • FGM Teaching In Schools

  • 8

    Final Words

    • Your Certification

    • Completion

    • Additional Resources

    • Survey & Feedback