Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Cyber Security Training

  • 2

    The Importance of Cyber Security Training - CIA

    • CIA

    • 'Confidentiality'

    • 'Integrity'

    • 'Availability'

  • 3

    Types of Cyber Threats

    • 'Cyber Security Threats'

    • The 'big' Three

  • 4

    Stay Safe Online

    • 'How to'

  • 5

    Stop and Reflect

    • Physical Device Exploitation

  • 6

    The Role of the CISO

    • Chief Information Security Officer

  • 7


    • What is 'Phishing'?

    • Detecting a Phishing Email

  • 8

    Remote Working and Cyber Security

    • Questions?

    • 'Conclusions'

  • 9


    • Do's & Don'ts

  • 10

    Reporting an Incident

    • Limiting the Damage

  • 11


    • Cyber Security Training Quiz!