Course curriculum

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    • Introduction from Shane Williams

    • Where's Wally?

    • What does this course cover?

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    A Brief History of Data Protection

    • Areas in which data is always confidential

    • Article 8: The Human Rights Act

    • The Data Protection Act 1984

    • The Data Protection Act 1998

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    Terms and Definitions

    • Who is who?

    • Think of data as a valuable object

    • Consent

    • Personal Data

    • Special Category Data

    • Data Concerning Health

    • Data Breach

    • Processing Data

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    What do you need to consider?

    • What if we get this wrong?

    • Rights of a Data Subject

    • Your Data Protection Officer

    • Retention and Deleting Data

    • Other Considerations

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    Lessons Learnt

    • Safeguarding

    • Subject Access Requests

    • Other organisations who think they know better.

    • BCC Functions on Emails

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    Knowledge check and feedback

    • Where's Wally?

    • Knowledge Check

    • Your Certification

    • Survey Feedback