Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Who this course is for

    • Course aims

  • 2

    What is challenging behaviour?

    • In this section

    • What constitutes challenging behaviour?

    • Understanding behaviour

    • Needs, drives and emotional intelligence

    • Needs-driven behaviour

    • How this influences behaviour

    • Case study - Bethany

    • Case study - Mohamed

    • Case study - Tara

    • Reasons for challenging behaviour

    • Other issues

    • How children respond to challenges

    • Don't assume

    • Forming relationships with children

    • A rewarding experience...

    • Successfully building a relationship

    • Looking after yourself

    • Points to note

    • Activity one - explore challenging behaviour

  • 3

    Younger children

    • Understanding challenging behaviour video

  • 4

    Establishing expectations

    • In this section

    • Behaviour expectation systems

    • Co-negotiating quality behaviours

    • SOCs and consistency

    • Activity two - defining quality behaviours

    • Reviewing and implementing

    • Rewards and sanctions

    • Praise and commands

    • Maintaining expectations

    • Case study - Ben

    • Your response

  • 5

    How to respond using praise

    • In this section

    • Growth and fixed mindset

    • Encouraging positive mindsets

    • Praise

    • Case study - Caden

    • Benefits of responding well to challenging behaviour

    • How to respond appropriately

    • Keeping calm

    • Case study - Daniel

    • Dealing with non-compliance

    • Using praise as an incentive

    • Praise as encouragement

    • Reinforcing positive actions with praise

    • Proximal praise

    • Using praise effectively

    • When giving praise

    • Activity three - define exemplary praise

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    Rewards and incentives

    • In this section

    • Rewards

    • Case study - Caden

    • Using rewards effectively

    • Consistency is key

    • Achievability

    • Points to note

    • Behaviour as a choice

    • Further approaches - contract

    • Further approaches - behaviour records

    • Setting limits and boundaries

    • Communicating boundaries

    • Activity four - exploring rewards

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    Using commands effectively

    • In this section

    • Using commands effectively

    • Chain commands

    • Unrealistic commands

    • How to deliver commands

    • Negative commands

    • Question commands

    • Stop commands

    • Giving options

    • When-then commands

    • After giving a command

    • Preparing children for commands

    • How to prepare children for commands

    • Following through with praise or consequences

    • Activity five - defining exemplar commands

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    Dealing with non-compliance

    • In this section

    • First steps

    • Behaviour management strategies (video)

    • Ignoring challenging behaviour

    • Ignoring and remaining calm

    • Ignoring and distracting

    • Which behaviours you should ignore

    • Returning the attention

    • Non-compliance strategy

    • Time out

    • Implementing time out

    • Time out and self-regulation

    • Following time out

    • Key points - time out

    • Older children

    • Verbal strategies

    • Non-verbal strategies

    • Defusing a situation

    • Activity six - pre-mortem

    • Physical intervention

    • Advisory

    • What to do next

    • Reflecting with the child

    • Supporting the child

    • Further support

    • Case study - Kathryn

    • Final activity

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    • Assessment

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    • Your certification

    • About this course

    • Feedback