Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • Course Aims

  • 2

    Mental Health Overview

    • In This Section

    • Statistics

    • Mental Health Definition

    • Mental Ill-Health Definition

    • Theories

    • Components Of Mental Well-Being

    • Resilience

    • Mental Health Spectrum

    • Identifying Difficulties

    • Risk Factors In Children

    • Risk Factor - Genetics

    • Risk Factors - Chemical Imbalances

    • Risk Factors - Physical Conditions

    • Risk Factors - Social

    • Risk Factor - Isolation

    • Risk Factors - Social (Continued)

    • Risk Factors - Psychological

    • Possible Causes

    • Mental Health After Lockdown (Sky Report)

    • Protective Factors

    • Ways To Wellbeing

    • Knowledge Check

  • 3

    Child Development & Mental Health

    • In This Section

    • Child Development

    • Reasons Children May Not Meet Developmental Milestones

    • Attachment

    • Bowlby's Theory Of Attachment

    • Ainsworth's Attachment Types

    • Understanding Child Attachments

    • Difficulties Forming Attachments

    • Attachment Disorder

    • Risk-Taking Behaviour

    • Impact Of Risk-Taking Behaviour

    • Knowledge Check

  • 4

    Mental Health Problems

    • In This Section

    • Common Mental Health Problems

    • Anxiety

    • Situational Anxiety

    • Anxiety In Children

    • Anxiety - Effects On Parents

    • Bipolar Disorder

    • Bipolar Disorder - Genetic Factors

    • Bipolar Disorder - Chemical Factors

    • Bipolar Disorder - Personality Factors

    • Bipolar Disorder - Environmental Factors

    • Bipolar Disorder - Effects On Children

    • Depression

    • Depression - Genetic Factors

    • Depression - Biochemical Factors

    • Depression - Psychological Factors

    • Depression - Behavioural Factors

    • Depression - Social Factors

    • Effects Of Depression

    • PTSD

    • PTSD - Possible Causes

    • PTSD Events

    • PTSD - Risk Factors

    • Effects Of PTSD

    • Schizophrenia

    • Schizophrenia - Genetic Causes

    • The Brain & Schizophrenia

    • Potential Triggers

    • Effects Of Schizophrenia

    • Autism

    • ADHD

    • Knowledge Check

  • 5

    Associated Problems

    • In This Section

    • Anger & Aggression

    • Signs Of Anger

    • Self-Harm

    • Non-Physical Self-Harm

    • Suicide

    • Suicide - Assessing The Risk

    • Withdrawal & Isolation

    • Indicators Of Withdrawal

    • Poor Academic Performance

    • Criminality

    • Knowledge Check

  • 6

    Help & Support

    • In This Section

    • Discussing Mental Health

    • Facilitating Expression

    • Supporting Parents

    • Support & Guidance

    • Diagnosis

    • Crisis

    • Safety Plan

    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    • Play Therapy

    • Counselling

    • Medical Interventions

    • Knowledge Check

  • 7

    Promoting Positive Mental Health

    • In This Section

    • Mental Health & Well-Being

    • Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

    • Effective Communication

    • Legislation

    • Knowledge Check

  • 8


    • Assessment

  • 9


    • Your Certificate

    • Feedback

    • About This Course